
Lauren McGuire lives in a small southern town where one cannot throw a rock without hitting a church. Ironically, the town is funded by zombies. Growing up as an army brat, she traveled all over the world including a stint in the Middle East which instilled a deep curiosity for other cultures and religions. She began writing in 2016 as a way of processing a chaotic cultural landscape and has since written six full manuscripts and several short stories. When not wrangling a family of five or training for half-marathons, she writes about space and monsters. 

She is an active member of the Atlanta Writing Club and their 2020 winner for the Terry Kay prize for short fiction as well as a 2023 runner up for the Natasha Trethewey Prize for Poetry. Her story, “Some Things Get Lost,” was published by The New Southern Fugitives. She received two honorable mentions for the Writers of the Future contest before becoming a finalist and 2nd place winner for Q1 2024. Her story will be published in the Writers of the Future Anthology, Vol 41 in Spring 2025.

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